Some of the most amazing thing you can possibly imagine, takes time, work and great effort. Many goals and ambitions that we aim for are so beyond us that we cannot fathom what it will take to get there. Often times we are so focused on the outcome of many of these things that it later overwhelms and upset us.
I find it very important to take the time to work and build on things that are reachable and that is in front of us before we get to higher grounds. Like many big dreams, it requires building, it requires planning, We have to accept the small wins and we must accept the process it takes to get there. Once we reach out goals, not only will we be able to say that we enjoyed the outcome but we can also appreciate the spaces between that got us there.
Self Reflection
I have found many treasure in my journey as a jewelry artist. I remember just wanting to make jewelry and make lots of money and be famous, but from working in a bead store and teaching jewelry and volunteering I later discovered something more important than money and fame. I found love in community and restoration. I have the opportunity to genuinely work and engage with others artist and participate in many shows. I have spoken to many people and have heard many stories a well as tell my own, but it took work, and practice and much patience. I have experienced many tears and disappointments. I had to pick myself up from many failures and mistakes. Through those moments, I learn a little, give a little and I am able to take another step to reaching my destination.
If I ever reach my goal of becoming a "Known Artist" I will definitely be able to appreciate all of the work and obstacles I had to go through. More importantly, I am open to the process of work and building to get to where I want to.
"Cosmic Treasure" bracelet by Teacoa.